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Introduction to Carpet Care

When it comes to cleaning your carpets, you must never rely on any faulty information. Using an incorrect process or a tool can lead to permanent damage to your carpet and you would definitely want to avoid that. There are so many myths surrounding the care and cleaning of carpets that it becomes quite confusing to know what is actually good for the carpet and what isn’t.

Fortunately, taking care of your carpets and prolonging their life can prove to be relatively simple, provided you are aware of the myths and the facts.

This article takes a look at some of the most common myths surrounding carpet care and cleaning and it will most definitely help you in maintaining the life of your carpet.

Some major myths surrounding the cleaning of carpets

  • If you get your carpet cleaned, you need not vacuum clean it regularly

These two methods are quite different from each other. While vacuum cleaning is a quick action process and is effective in the removal of grit, dust and debris, while carpet cleaning is a lengthy and deep action process.

In order to keep your carpets looking healthy, you must ensure a regular vacuum cleaning schedule. Deep cleanings should also be conducted periodically, but you must make sure to vacuum clean your carpets regularly in between two carpet cleaning sessions.

  • Cleaning your carpet will ruin the original look so it must not be done unless absolutely necessary

Most modern day carpet shampoos and chemicals used in solvents for cleaning are completely safe to be used on carpets. These chemicals are specially formulated and designed to be used such that they provide a thorough cleaning action while remaining gentle on the carpet fibers.

The truth is that cleaning your carpet frequently will keep it looking new. If you plan on cleaning your carpet personally, make sure to take care of the chemicals and the solvents that you use in your detergent. A good idea is also to test the cleaning process in an inconspicuous location of the carpet.

  • Carpets should be cleaned only when they have non removable stains on them

While carpets should definitely be cleaned in order to get rid of stains, they must also be cleaned on a regular basis as well. Vacuum cleaning does a good job at making the carpet appear to be clean, but there is always a lot of debris that gets lodged deep within the fibers of the carpet. These can only be removed by a carpet cleaning process.

Carpet cleaning also removes any dust and pollen and prevents the chances of allergies. Vacuum cleaning is just not as effective in doing this and carpet cleaning should thus be carried out frequently.

  • Carpet cleaning processes are the same

While there are some preferred methods that are employed to clean carpets, there are also many others and some carpets even require specialized cleaning processes.

Before you get your carpet cleaned, it is important that you know which cleaning process is recommended for you. Make sure to always hire high quality professionals if you are looking to get the job outsourced. If you plan on cleaning it yourself, take care of the chemicals that you use.

  • Frequent carpet cleaning will shrink its size

Shrinkage of carpets is only caused if the carpets are left wet for some time and then left out to dry for a longer time. A proper cleaning process ensures quick drying of the carpet in order to avoid shrinkage.

Carpets should definitely be dried within 12 to 24 hours from cleaning and they should not even be slightly moist when put to use after. Shrinkage of carpets can easily be avoided by taking a little care.

  • Mold and mildew growth is promoted by carpet cleaning

While the carpet cleaning process will make the carpet moist for a period of time, the chemicals used during the process prevent the growth of any fungus, molds and mildew. This keeps the carpets sanitized and fresh.

It is recommended to dry your carpets as soon as possible. One method to do this is to use a carpet cleaner model wherein the cleaning and drying processes go hand in hand.

You must ensure that you read the manufacturer instructions that came along with your carpet. This will usually contain clear instructions on which chemicals are safe for your carpet and which processes are recommended.

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